Let Them Be Kids is an all volunteer, non-profit organization created to build community capacity on the grassroots level, while building playgrounds, skate parks and fitness parks across Canada. These projects leave a legacy of community members who are inspired and better equipped to lay a strong foundation for a brighter tommorrow!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Where We Grew Up...
Many people take pride in calling this area home. Althought some no longer live on this beauitful peninsula they are always happy to say "it's where I grew up"! We have recieved tremendous support from those who have moved away wether it's folks like Wanda & Darrin Hunter in Mt.Pearl or someone like Rhea Hancock who's as far away as Fort McMurray, the Eastport Peninsula holds fond memories for them and it's a place they all call home!!! Thanks to you all for your generous support in helping to build this great park/playground, hopefully someday we'll see you all there.