So, not in Eastport this weekend and wanted to be a part of BUILD DAY? You can be!!!
Follow this link , click on Eastport Build Day and watch live how our day unfolds! It's going to be great!
Eastport Peninsula Playground Build
Let Them Be Kids is an all volunteer, non-profit organization created to build community capacity on the grassroots level, while building playgrounds, skate parks and fitness parks across Canada. These projects leave a legacy of community members who are inspired and better equipped to lay a strong foundation for a brighter tommorrow!
Friday, September 23, 2011
It's Build Day Eve and we are ready to Rock 'n' Roll!!!
Ok folks, we have an early rise and alot of work to be done so this is going to be short and sweet!
We did it! We raised our goal when people told us it couldn't be done and we are building our Peninsula Memorial Park tomorrow come rain or shine! After a lot of hard work, a lot of meetings, a lot of fundraisers and a lot of support from everyone who loves this Peninsula we are going to build this park! Congrats to each and everyone of you, you have made this happen. Tomorrow will be a busy day and an emotional one. Your arms may ache, your legs may be tired but when that last bit of dirt is spread and the last nut is tightened you will see something wonderful! And by wonderful we mean our children's smiles as they play, people giving eachother a pat on the back and a park that we ALL built, together! *sniff, sniff
Well, my eyes are filling up as I type because I know after tomorrow afternoon we will have accomplished what we set out to do!
We hope to see you all there to help finish this whirlwind adventure that began just a few months ago on May 5th! Our Peninsula is amazing!
Important things to know:
We did it! We raised our goal when people told us it couldn't be done and we are building our Peninsula Memorial Park tomorrow come rain or shine! After a lot of hard work, a lot of meetings, a lot of fundraisers and a lot of support from everyone who loves this Peninsula we are going to build this park! Congrats to each and everyone of you, you have made this happen. Tomorrow will be a busy day and an emotional one. Your arms may ache, your legs may be tired but when that last bit of dirt is spread and the last nut is tightened you will see something wonderful! And by wonderful we mean our children's smiles as they play, people giving eachother a pat on the back and a park that we ALL built, together! *sniff, sniff
Well, my eyes are filling up as I type because I know after tomorrow afternoon we will have accomplished what we set out to do!
We hope to see you all there to help finish this whirlwind adventure that began just a few months ago on May 5th! Our Peninsula is amazing!
Important things to know:
- Start time @ 8am
- Everyone must register at registration table and sign a waiver before going on the feild
- Everyone will be assigned a Team Leader who will give you further instruction when on the feild
- Lunch break approx. 11-2pm with snacks and water available all day
- Kids supervision and activities planned so parents are able to volunteer
- Come prepared to to go to work and get dirty :-) ie. gloves, no open toe shoes, long pants, etc.
- If possible please bring shovel, rake and wheel barrow (as many as you can) as there will not be enough of these!
Opening Ceremony @ approx 3:45pm
Everyone welcome and encouraged to attend regardless if volunteering for build day!
Thank you to everyone who helped out today and worked tremendously hard to make sure the feild and materials were ready for tomorrow morning!!! We will make sure to get everyones names in the next post as there were so many we didn't want to miss anyone! Thank you and we appreicaite your time and efforts! :-)
WOW!!! We have hit $75,000!!!
As the rain comes down this morning our thermometer is still on the rise!!! A very generous donation of $1000 for our playground was received this morning from Glenn & Kelly Sweetapple!!! Thank you so much for your support of our Peninsula and our project! :-)
Stephanie & Andy Butt also made a donation of $50 to the playground! Thank you very much for your generosity! :-)
We also recieved $100 from Economy Printing in Gander! Thank you!
The support is truly unbelievable...thank you, thank you, thank you!
Stephanie & Andy Butt also made a donation of $50 to the playground! Thank you very much for your generosity! :-)
We also recieved $100 from Economy Printing in Gander! Thank you!
The support is truly unbelievable...thank you, thank you, thank you!
Thursday, September 22, 2011
A very exciting day as playground begins to take shape! Take a look...
Here is a quick look at the soon to be brand new Peninsula Memorial Park!
Thanks to a great bunch of volunteers that worked super hard today, our playground begun to take shape. Thank you to Neal Squire, Troy Powell, Paul George, Andy Brown, Ed Brown, Geoff Winsor, Calv Squire, Kent Oldford, Dean Oldford, Harvey Senior, Marty Kippenhuck, Charlie Babstock, Kyle (Let Them Be Kids), Keith Moss and Bob Handcock for their hard work. Thanks also to Lee Handcock who helped yesterday to offload all of our playground equipment when it arrived at the field.
Today was a prime example of how when people come together and work together, things get done, it's as simple as that! On Saturday it will be no different and this communitiy will come together like you have never seen before!!! :-)
Ok, so only 1 more day until BUILD DAY!!! What do you need to know?
- Come prepared to work bright and ealry @ 8am!
- If you can bring a wheel barrow, shovel or rake, bring it! We will need lots of them and the more the better!
- You will register at the Registration table when you arrive and be given a Build Day T-shirt and sent off to your team leader for the day for further instruction! :-)
- Lunch will be available from approx. 11-2 pm with snacks and water all day!
- Opening Ceremonies @ 3:45 (20 min) Dedication to veterans and planting of flowers!
- Children are welcomed to play on their brand new playground!!!
- Lots of tears, hugs and pats on the back for a job well done!

One more donation today:
$50 in loving memory of Ernest Turner from his wife Elsie Turner. Thank you Elsie for your kind donation.
P.S. There is still a huge fundraiser underway! It is the "Let Them Be Adults" Gift Basket Extravaganza with 3 super variety gift baskets to WIN!!! The first one has a 1 night hotel stay at the Delta in St. Johns, supper at the Keg and hockey tickets at Mile One and much more! Tickets are being sold at various stores around the Peninsula and you may still purchase them up until this Saturday when it is drawn!!! Thanks so much and buy some tickets! :-)
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Powells Mobile Welding is on the job...
A big thank you and shout out to brand new business owner Troy Powell of Powells Mobile Welding who has taken on the huge task of piecing and sticking together our new playground equipment for our Peninsula Playground Project! Alot of work is to be done prior to Build Day to secure and stablillze equipment and we would like to thank Troy for taking his first "job" with us (not to mention without pay!..:-) All jokes aside, we appreciate very much your time and expertise in helping us to make our playground a reality!
Roy Saunders puts off great show in support of playground and Park!
What a great way to spend a Saturday night in Eastport, watching a great performer deliver an awesome show! A very big thank you to Roy Saunders who took to the stage last weekend at the Beaches Heritage Center in support of our playground project. Not only did Roy bring in a great crowd but he generously donated all the proceeds from the show to our ever growing playground pot! Everyone will be happy to know that the money rasied will be well spent as all additonal funds we raise above and beyond our goal will allow us to purchase additional playground equipment in the coming months! Yay! As Roy said at his concert, "This is all for the kids so thank you!".
So as a result,the concert raised $1985.00 for our playground and park!!! Just incredible! Thanks to Audrey Moss, Glendene Saunders for working the door. Genevieve Squire for organizng the silent auction, Roy Mahaney for doing the lights and sound and Yvette and Ryan for thier help as well.Also, thank you to Lindsey Brown, Gerald Ralph, Jerry Squire, George Rowsell and Faron Saunders who accompanied Roy on stage and helped put off a wonderful show that was enjoyed by all! Also, a big thank you to everyone for coming out and showing your support, we know you all enjoyed yourselves! :-)
So as a result,the concert raised $1985.00 for our playground and park!!! Just incredible! Thanks to Audrey Moss, Glendene Saunders for working the door. Genevieve Squire for organizng the silent auction, Roy Mahaney for doing the lights and sound and Yvette and Ryan for thier help as well.Also, thank you to Lindsey Brown, Gerald Ralph, Jerry Squire, George Rowsell and Faron Saunders who accompanied Roy on stage and helped put off a wonderful show that was enjoyed by all! Also, a big thank you to everyone for coming out and showing your support, we know you all enjoyed yourselves! :-)
Getting close now....
Build Day is just a mere 4 days away and everything is shaping up nicely! We are still getting donations come in and seeing lots of great support from our Peninsula and beyond!
The latest donations are:
The latest donations are:
- Jennifer Bouzane $50
- Kent & Theresa Samson have donated $200 and as a result of their donation a beautful planter box will be erected in our park in Loving Memory of Bert and Kate Samson.
- The Samson's of Sandringham are donating a beautiful planter box in Loving Memory of their son, brother and friend, Dion Samson valued at $200. Thank you to Rosemary, Harold, Dwayne & Krista for your kind donation to our park.
- Thelma & Harry Clark generously donated $100 in Memory of thier beautiful daughter Carolyn Clark.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Thanks again...
Thanks to B&H First Stop, Rosies, Eastport Drugs, Co-op, Red & White & Squires & Esso for allowing our collection jars to be displayed at your business's over the summer. As a result, we have raised a total of $662.50! Thanks also to Monica Bull for collecting the jars and counting all that loose change and to the public, for yet again your neverending generosity! :-)
Thank you to Gord and Mae Ward of Glovertown who are kindly lending us the use their portable welding machine to be used for the pre-build preparation work. This is a great contribution and will allow us to have two welders working side by side to complete our work faster! Thank you! :-)
A very kind thank you to the family of Redvers 'Red' Parsons who have donated $300 to cover the costs of the Memory Wall Display Sign to be placed in our park. The sign will be dedicated in Loving Memory of their father Red Parsons. Thank you very much for your generosity and thoughtfulness.
Donations recieved over the weeknd:
- Thank you to Rhonda King who donated an array of beautiful jewelery which was auctioned off at the concert Saturday night past. In total, $165.00 was rasied for our playground and park. Thanks to the lucky bidders for purchasing these lovely items!
- Thank you to Mike Sinnicks for his generous doantion of $500 to our playground and park!
- Brittany Brown made a $50 donation in Loving Memory of her dear grandfather, Andrew Brown. Thank you Brittany.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Do You Deliver!!!!
We are looking for someone who is going into St.Johns on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday of this coming week! Our build day t-shirts are ready to be picked up on Monday and we really want to get them out ASAP... If you or someone you know if able to help us with the delivery of the t-shirts it would be greatly appreciated if you could get in touch with Kim 526-2056 or 677-3121
WOW!!! We have surpassed $70,000...the support of this Peninsula is INSPIRING!!!
Hi everyone, another busy few days for the playground fundrasing effort! Here are the latest donations:
- $100 Randy & Gladys Street
- $50 Craig, Ashley & Joyce Penney
- $100 Eastport Chicken Bar
- $500 Barb Powell
- $100 Frank & Sophie Squire in Memory of Frank "Poppy" Hancock
- $723.02 Canadian Tire (In kind) who are donating 14 trees to be planted in the park!!!
- $60 Mary & Ken Lane
- $50 Charles Oldford in Memory of brother Stratton
- $125 Roger Bull in Memory of Bert Bull
- $50 Monica, Dot, Cindy & Roman in Memory of Father Red Parsons
- $100 Esso
- $50 Jason, Jennifer & Alexander Powell
- $50 Prince & Tammy Cross
- $50 Melanie Feltham
- $50 Glenn & Roxanne Greene
- $200 Monica Bull In Loving Memory of grandmother, Audrey Bull.
Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishment toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results. ~Andrew Carnegie
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Please take a look at our tool list. If you have any of the listed items and can bring them on Build Day please let us know as soon as possible. You may email or contact Kim at 677. 3121. Thank you!!! :-)
2 Chaulk Lines6 Measuring Tapes
1 Stick Welder 200 amp gas powered cables
2 each 1’/2’ (torpedo) & 4’ Levels
4 Cordless Drills
2 each Drill Bits 21/64”, 5/32”, 1/4”, 1/8”
1 Heavy Duty Grinder/Metal Cutting Chop Saw (with cutting
10 Wheelbarrows
20 Shovels
10 Rakes
1 Generator
3-4 Wrench/Ratchet (common sizes 3/4’, 1/2”, 9/16”, 1/4”)
Torque Bits (common sizes T45,T30, T55, T40, & T27)
1 Sledge Hammer
2 Stepladders (8-10’ if possible)
2 Extension Cords 25’ long
4 Impact DriversGardening Supplies
Top soil
Garden Mulch
Ground Covering Plants
8-10 Gardening Spades
3 Shovels
3 Wheelbarrows8 Hammers
8 Measuring Tapes
4 Levels
2 Chalk Lines
2 Table Saws
1 Compound Mitre Saw
3 Extension Cords
2 GeneratorsField
4 Wheelbarrows or TrolleysFlower Beds
6-8 Hammers
6-8 Measuring Tapes
5 Levels
5 Chalk Lines
2 Table Saws
1 Compound Mitre Saw
3 Extension Cords
1 GeneratorConcrete Work
15 Spades/Shovels
2x4 for any cribbing
5 Wheelbarrows
38 pcs Sono tube 12”x 36”
2 pcs Sono tube 18”x 36”
Bobcat/Tractor with 10”-12” Auger Shelters
Like the Energizer bunny, we're still going...
Well, even though we have reached our goal of $65,000 the donations and support are still coming in hand over fist. This only goes to show how much everyone supports and believes in this project. What an awesome feeling knowing that when we all pulled together we accomplished our goal, even when there were some that believed it wasn't possible. So here we are, 9 days away from Build Day and still receiving donations, this is community spirit like nothing we have ever seen before. We are so happy you all have choosen to be a part of it and the best is yet to come!
So what happens to all that money that is raised above and beyond our goal of $65,000?
Well, that's simple. It will all go to further enhance the playground by allowing us to purchase additional pieces of playground equipment for our children in the coming months. Yay! Although, time constraints will not allow us to have additonal pieces for our build day on the 24th of September, the pieces would be added in the very near future! :-)
Todays donations:
So what happens to all that money that is raised above and beyond our goal of $65,000?
Well, that's simple. It will all go to further enhance the playground by allowing us to purchase additional pieces of playground equipment for our children in the coming months. Yay! Although, time constraints will not allow us to have additonal pieces for our build day on the 24th of September, the pieces would be added in the very near future! :-)
Todays donations:
- Bill & Grace Handcock along with Cheryl, Sandra, Sheldon and Amie and their families have kindly donated $220 in Memory of Frank Handcock. Thank you for your generous donation. A plaque will be placed on the Memory Wall in memory of your loved one.
- Shelby Seymour, Ella and Jorgia Butt and Katie Robinson very generously donated $200 today which they rasied from cookie sales! Thank you so much girls, your hard work paid off and you made an awesome donation to our park! Great job!
- Donna & Steve Pike kindly donated $100 to our fund. Thank you!
- Audrey Moss generously donated $100 today in support of our project! Thanks a bunch!
- Mary Moss kindly donated $100 in loving memory of her husband Lloyd Moss. Your donation is greatly appreicated and a plaque will be placed on the Memory Wall in his honor. Thank you!
- A $100 donation was recieved in loving memory of Dion Samson from Lori, Jacob and Lucas. Thank you for your contribution to our park. A plaque will be placed on the Memory wall in Dion's honor. Thank you.
- Jeannie Stead made a $50 donation today to help the building of our park. Thank you!
- Nikki Street also kindly donated $50 to our playground and park! Thanks Nikki!
- The Society of United Fishermen made a very generous donation today of $500 to our playground and park. Thank you so much for supporting this project and showing it in a big way!
Thanks again....
We would like to thank and acknowledge Terra Nova National Park who have donated 6 picnic tables to be placed in our park on Build Day! Thank you for your kind donation. They will make a lovely additon to our park and get a lot of use!
We would also like to thank Happy Adventure Sea Products for the use of their fork lift for the off loading of our playground eqiupment and also to members of their staff for volunteering to help out with this task prior to build day! Thanks a lot for helping out, many hands allow for a lighter load! :-)
We would also like to thank Happy Adventure Sea Products for the use of their fork lift for the off loading of our playground eqiupment and also to members of their staff for volunteering to help out with this task prior to build day! Thanks a lot for helping out, many hands allow for a lighter load! :-)
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
WE DID IT! WE DID IT! WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, well, well everyone WE DID IT!!! We worked together and we did it! We have reached our goal of $65,000 and we are still going! All extra money raised from here on in will enable us to add additional items to our playground and park! Isn't this great? Only 1 more thing left to do, BUILD OUR PLAYGROUND AND PARK!
Todays donations that put us over the top:
Todays donations that put us over the top:
- Pete & Perry Brown have generoulsy donated our 'Peninsula Memorial Park' entrance sign in memory of their father Aubrey K. Brown at a value of $450. The boys along with siblings Lindsay and Lee-ann have also made a donation to our memory wall. Thank you very much for your kind donation.
- Gary & Susan Handcock have kindly donated $500 in the name of their grandson Noah (and future grandchildren) as they will enjoy this wonderful space for many years to come! Thank you! ;-)
- Recreation of Salvage have donated $500 in support of our project! Thanks a bunch!
- Eastport Drugstore has donated $544 to the playground fund as a result of their fundraiser. Thank you!
- Stay 'n' Play Cottages donated $100 today to show their support! Way to go!
- The Ocean Breeze kindly donated $100 and for this we say thank you!
- Gaye & Wayne Turner & family have very generously donated $1000 in support of our park. Thank you so much for your wonderful donation!
- Jim Penney Ford kindly donated $250 to our fund today. Thank you very much for your contribution!
- The band 'Not Fussea' have kindly given $363 to our playground fund after performing a concert at the Beaches Heritage Center this weekend. Thank you so much guys!
- Happy Adventure Sea Products have very generously given $500 to our playground and park! Thank you so much for your support!
- Kathy Hodder of Traytown also donated $100 to our playground and park! Thank you!
Katie and Carleigh Robinson raised the bar on their fundraising goal to a total of $500. After already raising $300 on 2 separate lemonade sales – the girls raised an additional $200 selling 100 homemade candy kabobs over the past 2 weeks. Thanks to Aunt Rita & cousin Max in NB for the great idea (even though it was a whole lot of skewering, wrapping, & curling ribbons!) and special thanks to the Shriners Park campers who supported our fundraiser this past weekend. The girls also helped out Not Fussea by helping deliver 30+ flyers to the Shriners promoting the concert last Saturday night. The campers were very happy to hear about the project and many look forward to seeing the new park!
Great job girls and thank you so much for working so hard over the last couple of months to help raise money for the park! You both have helped us reach our goal and we know you both will love the new playground! :-)
WOW! What an amazing day! Not only have we raised over $11,000 this week but we have raised over $65,000 since May 5th, 2011!!! We did all this in a little over 4 months and this is not the best part, we are going to build our park in 1 day!!! We hope you will all join us on what is going to be an incredible day! See you all there! :-)
All donations made in memory of a loved one need to be recieved by Friday due to placing of the order for the Memory Wall Plaques. Thank you.
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