Here is a quick look at the soon to be brand new Peninsula Memorial Park!
Thanks to a great bunch of volunteers that worked super hard today, our playground begun to take shape. Thank you to Neal Squire, Troy Powell, Paul George, Andy Brown, Ed Brown, Geoff Winsor, Calv Squire, Kent Oldford, Dean Oldford, Harvey Senior, Marty Kippenhuck, Charlie Babstock, Kyle (Let Them Be Kids), Keith Moss and Bob Handcock for their hard work. Thanks also to Lee Handcock who helped yesterday to offload all of our playground equipment when it arrived at the field.
Today was a prime example of how when people come together and work together, things get done, it's as simple as that! On Saturday it will be no different and this communitiy will come together like you have never seen before!!! :-)
Ok, so only 1 more day until BUILD DAY!!! What do you need to know?
- Come prepared to work bright and ealry @ 8am!
- If you can bring a wheel barrow, shovel or rake, bring it! We will need lots of them and the more the better!
- You will register at the Registration table when you arrive and be given a Build Day T-shirt and sent off to your team leader for the day for further instruction! :-)
- Lunch will be available from approx. 11-2 pm with snacks and water all day!
- Opening Ceremonies @ 3:45 (20 min) Dedication to veterans and planting of flowers!
- Children are welcomed to play on their brand new playground!!!
- Lots of tears, hugs and pats on the back for a job well done!

One more donation today:
$50 in loving memory of Ernest Turner from his wife Elsie Turner. Thank you Elsie for your kind donation.
P.S. There is still a huge fundraiser underway! It is the "Let Them Be Adults" Gift Basket Extravaganza with 3 super variety gift baskets to WIN!!! The first one has a 1 night hotel stay at the Delta in St. Johns, supper at the Keg and hockey tickets at Mile One and much more! Tickets are being sold at various stores around the Peninsula and you may still purchase them up until this Saturday when it is drawn!!! Thanks so much and buy some tickets! :-)