Thursday, July 14, 2011

Lemonade Sale was Fruitful!!!

Katie and Carleigh Robinson’s lemonade sale last Saturday on Church Street exceeded all expectations – they raised over $240.00 dollars and the girls, by cracking open the piggy bank and a donation from the tooth fairy Sunday night, rounded the total up to $250.00.  This was a big increase from their sale last year which raised $50.  Ryan Powell came by and was very helpful in attracting customers to the sale. A natural salesman! The kids would not stop until all 120 cups were gone at 6pm.  By then they ran out of lemonade and started on fruit punch!  Thanks to everyone who supported the sale both from near and far. Customers were very generous and visitors were excited to learn about the playground project. We even had a visit from a reporter from the Gander Beacon – watch for pic in this week’s Beacon.  Katie and Carleigh challenge others kids to try this out. In fact this weekend, Bill and Sandra Bradley’s grandkids are planning on doing a sale at Eastport Beach – check it out!
From the playground committee, a BIG thank you to Katie and Carleigh for their hard work on Saturday! Way to go!!! :-)