The Mexican Fiesta (despite the hot, hot, hot turnout we were hoping for) was a success. With many amazing appetizers, moutwatering mains and delectable desserts, there was something for everyone and then some! For those who came and dined mexican style on Saturday eveing, thank you so much for coming. We hope you enjoyed your evening and had a great meal. Thanks again for showing your support, not only for the fundraiser but for our future Peninsula Playground and Park! Although the food was the main focus at the event, another highlight of the eveing had to be the Pinata! The kiddies had an absolute ball trying to get the candy but the best was when finally after many, many smacks that poor Pinata couldn't handle it any more and the candy went flying! It was lots of fun!
Well, at the end of the night when the final count was tallied the Mexican Fiesta raised a total of $800 for our playground/park fund! A lot of people made this fundraiser possible and without them this event could not have taken place. To everyone who prepared a dish or made a donation of food, a huge thanks to Audrey Moss, Susan Handcock, Genevieve Squire, Rhonda King, Kim Powell, Monica Bull, Jackie Crisby, Gail King, Gerri-lynn Arnold, Carly Feltham, Debbie Arnold, Allison Kelloway, Celia Crisby, Sandra Moss, Lindsey Hapgood, Karen Saunders, Sylvia Harvey, Vanessa Oldford, Mary-Jane Oldford, Annette Bull, Tanya Lane, Lynda Babstock, Pamela Patten/Linda Patten, Glendine Saunders, Marg Winsor, Elenor Bull, Robyn Squire and Beatrice Powell.
In addition, another big thank you to those who also helped and volunteered their time on Saturday preparing and cleaning up, which included Linda Patten, Audrey Moss, Lindsey Hapgood, Genevieve Squire, Glendine Saunders, Annette Bull, Kim Powell and any others who I may have missed but pitched in where needed! Thank you also to the SUF Hall who allowed us to use the space at no cost so that all the money raised could go toward our playground/park. One more special thank you to Rhonda King who donated much of the Mexican decor for our Fiesta and the door prizes! All the help was greatly appreicated!
Overall, the event was a hit for those who choose to come out on Saturday. Everyone in attendance got to have some old favs and also try some new dishes! One last thanks to everyone who made this event possible and lended a helping hand, we couldn't have done it without you! I hope you all had a Mex-cellent time!