Monday, July 11, 2011

Calling all Volunteers...

As we move closer to actual build day on September 24th, planning and organization will be in full force as to ensure smooth sailing for all involved throughout the day. We presently have 154 volunteers (which is totally awesome by the way) and we are now in the process of matching all of you with a specific "task" for the day. In order to do this we are asking that everyone please update your registration form to now include some f your personal preferences! You will do exactly the same as you have already done, only this time there will be a few more questions so that we can see what interests and skills you have so that your energy is put to good use. Afterall, we wouldn't want to have a carpenter planting flowers or a 4 year old cooking hot dogs, right?

So, even if you have already registered you need to follow the link to update your info so that we know exactly where to place you on build day. Thank you to all of you who have choosen to be a part of this upcoming day, it's going to be GREEEEEAAAAT!!!