Sunday, July 3, 2011

Workin' at the Car Wash...

Well, aside from shriveled hands (and feet) from all the soapy water, a few sunburns (which we shouldn't complain about)  and sore arms, the car wash was a huge success!!! The thank-you list is a long one so here we go. First, hats off to Gerri-lynn Arnold who deserves a huge thank you for organizing this fundraiser and making sure it was successful in a BIG way!  She gathered all the necessary supplies required for a full day of washing cars as well as brought together a great crew of  volunteers which included Lindsay Hapgood, Meletta Harvey, Sandy Pike, Marie Heffern Lane, Debbie Arnold, Kelsey Paul, Shauna Harvey, Shalynn Harvey, Megan Powell, Shelby Ralph, Amanda Handcock & Alicia Howse.

Aside from the wonderful group who actually cleaned all the vehicles, the car wash simply couldn't have happened without the help of  the Eastport Volunteer Fire Department for use of their equipmment. A special thanks also to firefighter Keith Moss who kept the water flowing all day long  and also to Jamie Powell who lended a hand as well. Thanks so much for giving up your time to hlep out our cause!

To everyone (near and far) who came to get their vehicles cleaned, thank you so much for your support and generous donations. After six hours & 130 cars, the grand total raised for our playground was $1343.85!!! How great is that? A shout out again to Gerri-lynn for all your hard work in organizing this event. Just FYI, this was the first event Gerri-lynn ever orgainzed. You did a super job and hopefully other people will try to follow your lead and organize a fundrasier of their own! We also would like to recognize the business' who showed their support by donating items needed to wash all those cars, they include  HomeHardWare, PharmaChoice and the Red & White Store. Last but not least, another  BIG thank you to Delaneys Ambulance who donated $300 to support this fundraiser and our playground, your generoisty is greatly appreicated!